With all of the competing messages today for girls to wear multiple hats, and “do it all” perfectly, they’re under intense pressure. How can we help them believe in themselves? And more importantly, how do we help girls love themselves?
Those are two concepts that are still difficult for many adult women! Nevermind adolescents and teens who are facing societal pressure, thousands of idealized images, and competing peer influences.
That’s why I’m so excited to introduce Sheri West today! I’m lucky enough to know Sheri, both through a supportive online community AND in real life 🙂 – a rarity these days.

Sheri is the founder of LiveGirl, which empowers girls through year-round leadership development and mentoring that builds self-confidence and fosters diversity. Their summer camp, Camp LiveGirl, is wildly popular, and brings together inspiring international speakers AND the gift to girls of self-discovery.
LiveGirls helps young women, especially those who need it most, realize their full potential.
1. Hi Sheri, thanks for being a part of our Feminist Changemaker Interview Series, and for chatting with me today! What’s the most exciting thing that’s happened this year for you?
Oh, so many things! I am inspired every single day working with the girls and meeting all of the trailblazing female role models that we host. I must admit, I was a little geeked out to meet Jessica Long, the 2nd most decorated Paralympic Athlete of All Time. And I was genuinely excited to welcome bestselling author Lauren Oliver back to Camp LiveGirl. Also, we cherish our partnerships with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Connecticut, and so I was thrilled when we were named the Community Champion for the Boys & Girls Club of Stamford. I was also honored by Serendipity Magazine as one of CT’s Most Philanthropic Women.
2. Congrats! Those are incredible accomplishments. You made a significant switch from the corporate world to founding a nonprofit dedicated to girls’ leadership. Why did you make this decision and what were the biggest challenges you faced?
My background is in corporate finance and leadership development. I spent 15 years as a finance executive at a global multinational where I was actively involved in their Women’s Network and learned the importance of role models and mentoring. Five years ago, I created LiveGirl to “pay it forward” to the next generation of female leaders and advance gender equality. Women are underrepresented in leadership positions – in government, in business, in the tech sector, in positions of power. We are part of the movement working to close the female leadership gap by teaching girls at a young age how to be leaders.
3. You coach girls to develop confidence, not by whether others like them, but by loving themselves and believing in themselves. This is so challenging for middle and high school girls! How do you help them get there?
The teen years are difficult! Especially for today’s teens as they navigate adolescence in the digital era. We teach girls that you build confidence by doing, by trying. Taking risks and making mistakes is a necessary part of the process. And it all begins and ends by loving yourself. We do a simple exercise where we ask girls to identify 5 things they love about themselves. So many have a hard time completing this exercise, but we teach them that it is essential to be able to identify and celebrate your strengths, as this is the basis for one’s self-worth and self-esteem.
More: Join the 5 Day Reboot to Raising Confident Girls
4. Tell us more about the power you’ve observed when girls come together. How do you leverage that magical power through LiveGirl?
There is a lot of research that supports the power of girls-only spaces. Especially during adolescence, girls need the time and space to reflect on who they truly are and aspire to be. We foster a positive #GirlsSupportingGirls culture, where girls literally clap and cheer loudly when someone shares out or does something brave. In this way, the girls learn the power of sisterhood and unity in a diverse environment. We bring girls together from very different socioeconomic backgrounds, but they quickly learn that we are more alike than different. They learn the power of community and that we are stronger together. These girls will be braver, more inclusive and collaborative leaders as a result of their LiveGirl experience.

5. LiveGirl is located in a fairly affluent region of the country (Fairfield County, Connecticut). How do you ensure that your program reaches underserved girls as well?
Fairfield County is a community of have and have nots. Some towns are affluent, but many towns suffer from poverty and inequality. The bigger point is that there is a binomial stress curve that exists, with low income and affluent teen girls experiencing similar stress levels. Of course, different factors drive the stress, but the result is similar mental health issues: eating and anxiety disorders, depression, and alcohol and drug abuse. So, our evidence-based curriculum and programs that build self-esteem and social emotional intelligence are important for everyone. We partner with public schools, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Connecticut, and other youth organizations to reach every girl who needs us. We work to bring communities together, showing our girls that we are more alike than different, regardless of our skin color, religion, or sexual orientation. We are united by our desire to make the world a better place.
Sadly, Fairfield County, overall one of the richest counties in America, invests less than 10 cents of every philanthropic dollar in women and girls. We believe that investing in women and girls yields long-term social and economic returns for our communities and world.
6. You have a few teens of your own. What strategies have you used to raise a son who respects girls and women?
This is an important question because it will take all of us to achieve gender equality. I have three children (two sons + one daughter, age 11-18) and I practice an “open and honest” parenting style. I am open with them about my feminist views, challenge their thinking, and urge them to use their voice. I engage my children on current events – and use them as teachable moments. I have engaged all three of my children in the founding and operation of LiveGirl. For example, my oldest son designed our website. My daughter is heavily involved and provides constant “focus group” feedback.
7. We recently chatted together about women’s collective tendency to apologize when it isn’t necessary. Tell us about a time you consciously worked to “take up more space” in this world. And how do you encourage your daughter to do the same?
My corporate career mandated that I get comfortable with “taking up more space.” My nature is loud and gregarious. I am constantly encouraging my daughter and the girls in our community to take up more space – both physically and verbally. I remind them that they weren’t put on this earth to make others feel comfortable. I love Halsey’s poem, “Inconvenient Woman”, from the recent Glamour WOTY Awards.
Related: Why women apologize more
8. What women are inspiring you right now? Why?
Well, I just mentioned Halsey. I am always inspired by Amy Poehler, Cleo Wade, Mindy Kaling, Rupi Kaur, and Yara Shahidi. These women stand out to me as being unapologetically true to themselves. I love Lingua Franca. And I am counting down the days (until December 19th) when I will see Michelle Obama on her “Becoming” book tour.
9. Tell us: what four phrases describe your goals and dreams for 2019?
Courageous conversations
Eager exploration
Passion & partnerships
Love, family & freedom
10. If you could tell your 15 year-old self one thing, what would it be?
You can rock this world. Enjoy the journey. (And wear sunscreen!)
Thanks, Sheri! To learn more about LiveGirl, visit their website here. Also, be sure to check their awesome Instagram account here.
Love this interview with Sheri West! đź’– Her work with LiveGirl empowers girls to build self-confidence and embrace self-love in today’s challenging world. 🌟 The focus on sisterhood and community is key to fostering future leaders. 🙌✨ Check out the full interview for more inspiration!
We’re huge fans of Sheri and LiveGirl!! Thanks for being here 💕